June 21 / Recordings
2pm EST
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer behavior, attitudes toward office work, and even some views about society itself. But knowing something and knowing what to do about it are two different things. In his session, Henry Hays will walk us through some of the more radical changes in business and teach not only how to spot it but how to WIN as the economy begins to grow. Sponsored by The Magazine Manager.
3pm EST
Sometimes it’s easier to stick with what is familiar. We know what our audiences used to like, but with in-person events virtually at a stand still last year, people are looking to attend events that are engaging, exciting and different! This session is centered around collaborating with your production team on creative ways to liven up your old event and engage your existing and new audiences in a different way. Speakers: Jonathan Chandler of CWP Productions and Kelli Roy of Arkansas Business.
3pm EST
A panel discussion about diversifying coverage to reflect publications’ full communities. From hiring in the newsroom to expanding sourcing, this session focuses on practical ways reporters and editors can make sure they’re continuing to expand their fields of vision. Panelists: Veronica Gonzalez of The Dallas Morning News, Justice Hill of Ohio University, Vicky Janowski of Greater Wilmington Business Journal. Sponsored by People Centric Consulting Group.
4pm EST
Become a leader who can communicate with clarity and inspiration. Be a transformational leader instead of a transactional boss. Explore how to get results while enhancing relationships instead of reacting to constant stress and turmoil. Lead with healthy relationships, accomplish the right results and experience rest as a leader. In this session, you wlll learn to communicate with clarity and inspiration, be heard and understood, find rest and be happy. Speaker: Michael Brown. Sponsored
by LaunchPad Media Management.
4pm EST
Many AABP members dove deeper into developing webcasts and podcasts to connect with and grow their audience over the past year. But for print journalists and editors, the role of developing content ideas, sourcing on-air talent and producing high quality audio and video did not always come easily. In this session, we will hear from experts as well as AABP members on lessons learned, best practices and how they plan to grow webcasting and podcasting in the future. Panelists: Rick Jenkins of SBCBIZtv, Michael Curran of Ottawa Business Journal, John Lohman of Corridor Business Journal and Jeremy Corr of Executive Podcast Solutions.
June 22
2pm EST
Readers want to go to your organization for content that serves their businesses, but how do you make sure they’ll find the resources you’ve built? Sondra Hadden, Manager of Audience Development with the American Chemical Society, shares insights into content strategies and paid acquisition that can increase impact – and audience engagement. You’ll learn how to move beyond general analytics to measure loyalty, better define ROI by understanding how your content serves different audiences, tie content and user behavior into marketing campaigns and leverage evergreen content to build your audience and increase engagement. Sponsored by Circulation Verification Council.
3pm EST
It may seem easy to throw your content out across multiple platforms and hope something sticks, but as social media platforms continue to grow in importance and popularity, should your strategy change? In this session, we’ll discuss how publications are finding where their readers are and maximizing the content they have across multiple social media platforms for optimal results. Panelists: Biana Montes of D CEO, Julia Roberts of Georgia Trend and Lance Turner of Arkansas Business.
3pm EST
Fast turnarounds, adapting to change, staying true to design fundamentals, staying relevant, working with reduced budgets … doing all this doesn’t leave much time for creating great work. Take a moment to recharge during this session with Alice Cho to think about what you love about editorial design, what inspires you and where you go when you are fresh out of ideas!
4pm EST
An opportunity to learn from marketing leaders how they plan for and spend their budgets; determine what media to buy and what they need/want from account executives who call on them. Speakers: Chuck La Tournous of American National and Amy Meins of Colliers. Sponsored by MagHub.
4pm EST
Join us for a virtual whiteboard session on topics of interest to editorial staffers. Moderated by Brad Kane of Worcester Business Journal. Sponsored by TownNews.
June 23
2pm EST
Axios was created around a simple proposition: deliver the cleanest, smartest, most efficient, and trustworthy experience for readers and advertisers alike. The media company now has more than 250 employees, 2 million newsletter subscribers, 42 million monthly page views from a highly engaged audience and a documentary news program, Axios on HBO. Axios is also expanding into local markets through Axios Local with locally focused newsletters in Charlotte, Denver, Tampa Bay, Twin Cities and Des Moines. Axios Editor-in- Chief Nick Johnston will talk about the growth of Axios, why it’s moving into local journalism and how Axios’ trademarked “Smart Brevity” can be applied at other newsrooms and beyond. Sponsored by Legendary Data.
3pm EST
The pandemic forced us as publishers to be lean, nimble, and to constantly reinvent ourselves. Many of us have launched into virtual events and other digital products and seen shifts towards custom publishing. Now that the dust is settling, what opportunities or changes should we consider? Stephanie Holland, Director of Advertising Sales & Marketing will share how ACS has pivoted their events and how ACS’ custom content studio, C&EN BrandLab has weathered the storm. Holland will also discuss which digital products, launched in the pandemic, are poised for growth. Sponsored by Data Joe.
4pm EST
In this session, learn tips and trends for navigating the digital conversation with your clients. Everyone wants to talk the Digital Talk, but with so many buzz words flying around how can you keep from getting tongue-tied? Hear from a leading digital authority on how to keep the digital conversation simple, shape your client’s expectations of what digital marketing can do for them and why their Happy Father’s Day post on social media isn’t doing any good. Sponsored by Adcellerant.
4pm EST
As previous Gold winners in the AABP awards for Best Investigative Reporting category, Baton Rouge Business Report and Worcester Business Journal will lead a group discussion about tackling in-depth projects in the newsroom. As a group, we’ll exchange tips for finding time to work on projects, managing data, overcoming records challenges, brainstorming on visuals and graphics, and other topics to get your reporters and editors thinking about investigative stories. Panelists: Stephanie Riegel of Baton Rouge Business, Brad Kane and Grant Welker of Worcester Business Journal.
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