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Application Process

Membership Application

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Evaluation Process for Applicants

Applications for Active membership in the Alliance of Area Business Publishers will be evaluated by the Standards Committee, consisting of not fewer than seven (7) members. Membership on the Standards Committee shall include representatives from large- and small-market newspapers (as defined by the Alliance), as well as at least one magazine member. At least one member must come from an editorial background. The Standards Committee shall also include one member from the Alliance Board of Directors. Standards Committee members shall be recommended by the President of the Alliance and approved by the Board of Directors.

Standards Committee members are prohibited from serving simultaneously on the Membership Committee.

Standards Committee members or Board members representing a publication in competition with an Applicant shall refrain from participation in the deliberations or vote.

Standards Committee members will evaluate Applicants to determine their eligibility for membership in the Alliance, including compliance with the Alliance Criteria for Membership and the Code of Conduct, and then make a recommendation to the Board of Directors as to whether an Applicant should be admitted.

Applicant publications must submit the following:

  • The Alliance’s Dues Survey Sheet.
  • The Alliance’s Publication Membership Application.
  • Copy of latest circulation audit or Circulation Audit Agreement.
  • Ten (10) copies of three (3) recent issues of Applicant’s publication for each member of Standards Committee and twelve (12) copies of one recent issue for members of the Board of Directors.


The Standards Committee will evaluate the Applicant’s publications to get a true feel for the nature of a publication, and whether it meets such standards as ad-to-edit ratio, broad localized business news content and the regular inclusion of an editorial or commentary page.

After evaluating an applicant, the Board representative or Standards Committee chair will survey other committee members to gauge whether they support the Applicant’s admission into the Alliance. Such feedback can be provided via fax, e-mail, conference call or in person.

Standards Committee members may, at their discretion, request a conference call with Applicant’s publisher to more fully evaluate compliance and eligibility for membership. An application that coincides with the Alliance summer or winter conference could allow for a face-to-face meeting.

Once the Standards Committee has voted on an application, the Board representative on the Standards Committee will notify the Alliance executive director of the recommendation. The Alliance executive director will then send all relevant materials to the Board of Directors, including a summary of the recommendation of the Standards Committee. Board members will respond via fax, e-mail or telephone whether they:

  • Approve the application
  • Disapprove the application
  • Defer decision until next Board meeting