Lewis M. Conn Award
The Lewis M. Conn Award is named in honor of Lewis Conn, who was the owner/publisher of Kentucky Business Ledger — one of the oldest regional business publications in the US started shortly after WWII. One of seven founders of the Alliance of Area Business Publications in 1978, Conn was a man of great integrity, values and held the highest standards of professionalism. He loved the business and could always be relied on to provide useful insights and helpful information.
Conn met a tragic and untimely death in 1989. After his death, the Board created the Lewis M. Conn Award in his memory to recognize outstanding service to AABP. It is not intended to be presented annually. Individuals are selected by the Board of Directors.
Nominations are due by February each year for consideration by the AABP board of directors and are presented at the Summer Conference.
Recipients include:
- 2023-Mary Kramer, Crain Communications
- 2022-Rolfe McCollister, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report
- 2013-Gloria Scoby, senior vice president and group publisher of Crain Communications, Inc.
- 2010-Dolan Media Co.
- 2006-Connie Wimer, president/publisher of Des Moines Business Record
- 2004-Joe Cappo of Crain Communications, Inc.
- 2002-David Schankweiler, publisher of Central Penn Business Journal
- 1999-Manny Casiano, chairman of Casiano Communications
- 1997-Bill Metcalf, then owner/publisher of New Orleans CityBusiness
- 1994-In memory of Donald R. Richards, publisher of Milwaukee Business Journal, then owned by MCP.
- 1992-Crain Communications
- 1991-Mike Russell, CEO of ACBJ
- 1990-Armon Mills, then ACBJ president